
【时事热点】什么钞票这么贵?20元“涨价”到88元 What is this note that quadrupled its value with one day?


【时事热点】香港大规模游行是为了什么? Why is there a huge protest going on in Hong Kong?

According to the Hong Kong police, on 9th June, approximately 154 thousand people participated in a march. The march began at the Victorian Park.

The purpose of this march is to protest possible amendments to Hong Kong’s extradition bill.

【时事热点】波音曾推迟修复737 Max 的安全警示灯 Boeing postponed fixed the safety alert warning light on 737 Max

2018年10月和2019年3月,两家波音737 Max飞机相继在起飞后就坠毁,共造成346名乘客以及机组人员遇难。自那时起,737 Max被超过20个国家的航空公司发布永久或短期的禁飞指令,到现在已经3个月了。
On Oct 2018 and Mar 2019, two separate Boeing 737 Max airplanes from different airlines crashed shortly after take-off. The two tragedies caused a total of 346 deaths including the passengers and pilot crews. Since then, Boeing 737 Max was indefinitely or temporarily banned by airlines from more than 20 countries. The ban has been 3 months till now.

【时事热点】美国和俄罗斯因为这件事吵起来了! The US and Russia are in dispute about this!

Today (7th June), a Russian destroyer warship and a US cruiser warship almost collided in the East China Sea. The two warships came as close as only 50 m at one point!

【时事热点】华为与俄罗斯电信企业签署5G网络协议 Huawei Signs 5G deal with Russian telecom

During China’s President Xi Jinping’s three-day visit to Russia, Chinese telecom Huawei signed a deal with Russian telecom MTS, in which the companies agreed that Huawei will develop 5G networks in Russia over the next year.

According to AFP, MTS has said in a statement that the deal will include ‘the development of 5G technologies and the pilot launch of the fifth generation networks in 2019 and 2020.’

【时事热点】酷航航班虚惊一场的炸弹威胁,竟然是13岁男孩的恶作剧? A fake bomb threat over Scoot flight may be a hoax of a 13-year-old boy?

Yesterday afternoon (2nd June), a Scoot flight from Cebu, Philippine to Singapore received a bomb threat in the course of the flight.

As a nation well-known for its safety ranking, Singapore reacted speedily over the threat and two fighter jets from air force was assigned to escort the flight.

【时事热点】IEEE相应美国禁令,禁止华为员工编辑或审稿 Huawei Employees are not allowed to edit articles as IEEE becomes the latest organization affected by the ‘Entity List’

国际电气电子工程师学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),简称IEEE,是目前世界上在电子电气、计算机、通信、自动化工程技术研究领域最著名、规模最大的非营利性跨国学术组织。
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is by far the most famous and the largest non-profit organization of technical professionals in the world, with a focus in electrical, electronics, communications, computer engineering, computer science, and information technology.

【时事热点】欧洲议会大选结果预计变动大 European Election 2019: changes are expected

Voting for once-every-five years European Election just ended on Sunday, the 26th. The 751 members elected with form the ninth European Parliament. The turnover for this voting made a new high in 20 years.

【时事热点】英国首相梅姨宣布辞职,脱欧协议何去何从? UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced resignation. How will Brexit turn out in the future?

Just a few years ago, Theresa May made a short 30 seconds statement, during which she has announced that she will quit as Conservative leader along with Prime Minister on 7th June.

Reading this news, the first thing that comes to our mind is the tremendous effort she made regarding Brexit during her 3 years as Prime Minister.

【时事热点】印度总理莫迪领导人民党以压倒之势获胜,继续执政 BJP led by Modi gained landslide victory and will continue to take office

The Indian General election closed its six-week voting on last Sunday (19th May). The counting started on Thursday (23nd May). However, Modi’s re-election is confirmed long before the counting finishes.


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