
【时事热点】中东加沙地带冲突加剧 Conflict heightened in the Gaza Strip

Over this weekend, Palestinian militants have fired more than 600 rockets into Israeli territory. Although most were intercepted, there are still 3 Israelis died over this incident.

Israel retaliated soon after and hit 260 targets in the Gaza Strip. Israel says that their fire-back has prevented further ‘massive’ strikes, while Palestine says that 9 Palestinians have been killed from the fire-back since Friday.

【时事热点】波音737客机在美降落时脱离跑道,冲入河流 Boeing 737 Skids off Runway into a River when Landing in the US

Local time around 9 pm on 3rd May, a Boeing 737 passenger plane from Cuba lands at Jacksonville International Airport in Florida, US. During the landing, the plane rushed off the runway and skidded into the nearby St John’s River, but fortunately, it did not sink.

【时事热点】怂人惊闻 !新加坡籍山东富商为女儿买斯坦福学籍,造假学历竟然可以进世界名校?! Singaporean billionaire from Shandong bribed to get daughter into Stanford. Falsified Education background can get into world-class university?

Around mid-April, the Justice Department of America revealed the college admissions scandal that shocked the world. Top universities such as Yale and Stanford are also implicated in the scandal.

【时事热点】复联4破票房纪录 Avengers: Endgame breaks box office records

作为漫威宇宙的第22部电影,《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》可谓是一部众望所归的高潮(gāocháo – n. climax)制作!
As the 22nd movie of the Marvel universe, Avengers 4: Endgame is truly a climax production that everyone has hoped for a long time.

它的前作——《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》以一个悲伤又充满遐想的方式结尾了,众多漫威粉们对复联4的感受真的是翘首以待,望眼欲穿(wàngyǎnyùchuān – v. to wait with great anticipation)!
The one before it, Avengers 3: Infinity war ended in a way that is both sad but also imaginative. Many Marvel fans have been waiting for 4 since the day they watched 3 and they could not wait any longer!

【时事热点】第九起爆炸发生,或与国际组织有关? Ninth explosion took place, may be linked to international organization?

The 9th explosion happened on Monday near a church in Colombo. The police were attempting to defuse the bomb when it went off. Whether there are casualties is not clear yet.

【时事热点】4月21日斯里兰卡连环爆炸,复活节成为惨剧 A series of explosions put a shadow over Sri Lanka on Easter day, 21st Apr


Today, a total of 8 explosions are reported at multiple locations in Sri Lanka. Six of the explosions happened at near hotels or churches, including three luxury hotels in the capital city, two churches in Colombo and one church at Batticaloa. Up until now, at least 450 people are hurt and 207 are killed in the explosions.


【时事热点】耶稣受难日和复活节,新加坡迎来长周末 A long weekend comes to Singapore as we celebrate Good Friday and Easter

As a multiracial country, Singapore celebrates the festivals of all its major ethnic groups and religious groups, among which the more important ones become public holidays, Good Friday included.

According to the demographic report of 2015, Christians take up 19% of Singapore’s population, among which there are about 60% of Protestants, 38% of Catholics, and a very minor percentage follows other branches of Christianity.

【时事热点】台湾花莲发生6.1级强震,致17人受伤 Magnitude 6.1 Earthquake at Hualian, Taiwan. 17 people injured


A strong earthquake with a registered magnitude of 6.1 shook the east of Taipei around 1 pm local time on 18th Apr. The center of the earthquake is near Hualian county. Multiple provinces and city in mainland China also have detectable traits and feelings of the earthquake, including Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Shanghai.


【时事热点】2019年印尼大选:佐科预计当选,反对党质疑 2019 Indonesia Presidential Election: Joko Widodo expected for re-election, opposition party questioned the result

Local time 17th Apr, Indonesia Presidential Election, which happens every five years, took place. This election is the second time where Joko Widodo run against his rival, Prabowo Subianto since 2014.

Currently, multiple privately-run polling organization released their unofficial result, which shows that Joko Widodo leads by at least 7% and is expected to be successfully re-elected.

【时事热点】巴黎圣母院大火(更新)——有什么幸免于难? Notre-Dame fire (Update): What survived?

The massive fire at the Notre-Dame cathedral was put out after more than 10 hours. Two-thirds of the roof was destroyed in flames, including the medieval wooden structure, the iconic spire together with the rooster-shaped wind vane and three relics of the Saints on top.

Silver lining, some managed to survive from the fire


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