Local time around 9 pm on 3rd May, a Boeing 737 passenger plane from Cuba lands at Jacksonville International Airport in Florida, US. During the landing, the plane rushed off the runway and skidded into the nearby St John’s River, but fortunately, it did not sink.
There are a total of 143 people on board, among which 136 are passengers and 7 are cabin crews. Except for 21 adults sent to a nearby hospital for minor injuries, no others are injured.
Just less than 2 months ago, a Boeing 737 passenger plane flying for Ethiopian Airline crashed shortly after take-off. This incident comes shortly after another crash last October of a plane belonging to Lion Flights from Indonesia. The two crashed caused a total of 346 deaths, which leads to ban on or decrease in flights of Boeing 737 in different countries.
This flight is operated by Miami Air International. A spokesperson from Boeing has acknowledged this incident and expressed that an investigation is ongoing.
There is a thunderstorm going on during the landing. This incident could be caused by climate factors rather than the plane itself. No matter what is the real reason, will this be another hit in the head to Boeing’s at-stake reputation?