jenny's blog

【社会热点】大熊猫“创创”在泰国意外死亡 中国将派遣专家前往调查 Giant panda "Chuangchuang" accidentally died in Thailand China will send experts to investigate

China’s giant panda “Chuangchuang” in Thailand recently died unexpectedly in the zoo, causing turmoil in Chinese social media. Many users accused Thailand of not properly caring for him. China decided to send experts to investigate.

【新加坡气候】雾霾情况昨晚加剧,达到不健康指数 Haze worsened last night into an unhealthy index

Although the haze in Singapore become lighter on Tuesday and the PSI was lower, it worsened on Tuesday evening and generated an unhealthy index on Wednesday.

Currently, the highest PSI can be observed in the south at over 120. It is slightly lower in the central and north, but still over 100, which falls within the unhealthy range of 101~120.

【北京冬奥会】“冰墩墩”和“雪容融”成为2022冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物 ‘Bing Dwen Dwen’ and ‘Shuey Rhon Rhon’ are the mascots for 2022 winter Olympics

Since 8th Aug 2018, the design of mascots has gone through a series of planning and idea gathering from everyone. We finally meet the mascots for the 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics games.

‘Bing Dwen Dwen’, a cute panda will represent the Winter Olympics Game, while ‘Shuey Rhon Rhon’, a red lantern will represent the Winter Paralympics game. Not only are they adorable, but their design and names are also all very ‘China-style’.

【港铁出轨】港铁列车出轨,八人受伤 A train derailed in Hong Kong, leaving 8 injured

A passenger train derailed in Hong Kong yesterday (17th Sep). The fourth and fifth cabin completed dislocated. According to the preliminary investigation, four cracks were found on the rails.

There are over 400 passengers involved in this accident, among which 8 have been injured.

【社会新闻】狮城女吉隆坡遇劫 遭刀棍攻击拖行 The Singapore woman was robbed in Kuala Lumpur, attacked by knife and stick

According to the "Sin Chew Daily" report, a 67-year-old Singaporean woman went to Kuala Lumpur to attend a wedding reception for her loved ones. Unexpectedly, she was robbed by a gangster. The gangster attacked with a knife and a wooden stick. The left elbow was swollen and her back was injured.
In order to keep the handbag, the women were dragged to the ground by the culprits, and another gangster took a tote from the front seat of the car.

【金融外汇】新加坡外汇市场交易额再创新高 蝉联亚太最大外汇中心 Singapore's foreign exchange market turnover to hit a new high Relying on Asia largest foreign exchange center

The data shows that the average daily trading volume of the Singapore foreign exchange market in April this year was 633 billion US dollars (about 870.3 billion Singapore dollars), 22% higher than the same period three years ago. The trading volume of the foreign exchange market reached a new high, and it is the largest foreign exchange center in the Asia-Pacific region and the third largest in the world.

【时事热点】一失足成千古恨,施强奸少年被判刑 teen who performed rape sentenced

早在2017年,17岁的青年Mendel See Li Quan分别在10月2日对一名53岁受害者试行抢劫和强奸,以及在9月对另一名受害者实行抢劫。
In 2017, a 17-year-old teen, Mendel See Li Quan conducted crimes in Sep and on 2nd Oct, the first was robbing and the second was raping and robbing a 53-year-old victim.

He pleaded guilty after being arrested.

He was sentenced today, facing 7 years in jail and 15 strokes of the cane. Wondering if he will regret his crime.

【时事热点】被害2岁女童的父母被控谋杀 2-year-old girl victim of murder, parents charged

The police have announced today (16th Sep), that the parents of a 2-year-old girl will be charged with murdering her on Tuesday the 17th.

上个星期二(9月10日),警方接到求助电话出警大牌52号Chin Swee路,并在一住宅内找到女童的遗体,被烧后被置入一金属锅内。
The police received a call for assistance at Block 52 Chin Swee Road last Tuesday (10th Sep). They found the remains of a baby girl burnt and placed in a metal pot in a residential unit.

【英国留学】时隔七年英国重启政策 国际学生毕业可留英工作两年 After seven years of UK reopening policy, international students can work the UK for two years after graduation.

英国内政部(Home Office)宣布,将重新开放国际学生毕业后可以留在英国两年找工作的签证(PSW)。两大党及教育界都表示欢迎。
The Home Office announced that it will reopen the Visa (PSW) that international students can stay in the UK for two years after graduation. Both major parties and the education sector have welcomed it.
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)说,这一改变将使学生“释放他们的潜力”,并在英国开始职业生涯。这一签证将适用于2020年开始来英国攻读本科或本科以上学位的国际学生 ,他们必须在有详实移民检查记录的机构学习。

【阿里巴巴】马云的政治困境与制度“遗产” Ma Yun's political dilemma and institutional "heritage"

On September 10, Ma Yun officially retired as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba, China's largest e-commerce platform. A year ago, Ma Yun announced the launch of the “inheritance plan” and handed over the chairman’s scepter in one year. Zhang Yong, the current CEO of Alibaba, took over.


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