jenny's blog

How to keep the language sense of Chinese well?

As you know we have a large number of clients to learn business language. There is a common difficult position among them, that is they cannot keep the balance between working and learning. For this reason sometimes they have to cancel or reschedule the lesson.

What role does tone play when singing a song ?

When I introduced Pinyin to my totally zero-level client, he was so interested in the four tones and he asked me a question:” You said that tones are very important because different tones represent different characters and meanings. But how does it work when singing a song? I don’t think tones can get on well with melody, but how to settle the conflict?”


中国文化博大精深,对于刚刚学习完基本华语的人来说继续学习商务华文是一个非常严峻的考验. 这并不是因为你的基础不够好, 而是因为不熟悉关联词和四字成语的运用. 所以, 我在这里为大家介绍一些关联词和成语.

Chinese culture is profound. For people who had just finished learning basic lesson and willing to further enhance their learning with Business Chinese, it will be a very severe test for them. It's not because your foundation is not good enough, but because you are not familiar with the related words and the use of four-character idioms. So, I am here to share with you some related words and idioms


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