

在近期刚刚结束的G20峰会上,中美领导达成共识(dáchénggòngshí. Reach an agreement)暂停税务(shuìwù. Tax in general)上调(shàngtiáo. Upward adjustment),这可真是让众多吃瓜群众(chīguāqúnzhòng. Literally means eat melon people, it is internet lingo for bystanders, audiences)松了一口气(sōngle yīkǒuqì. Literally means release a mouthful of breath, means feel released)。
After the recent G20 summit, leaders from China and the US reach an agreement to pause any adjustment to the tariff. It is a relief to many people who have been keeping tabs on this matter.

[Chinese Learning] What is 抱大腿?

bào dà tuǐ

The meaning of this phrase is to signify someone trying to curry favor with someone else.

However, if you break down the phrase, you will realise that it is not what it means if you directly translate it:
抱: to hug
大腿: thighs

Therefore, the direct translation of the phrase is "to hug (someone's) big thighs"



上(shàng)on, above

谈(tán)talk about

兵(bīng)troop. Here refers to the art of war

网(wǎng)net. Here refers to the internet

战国时期,赵国有一位名将叫做赵奢。他曾多次以少胜多(yǐshǎoshèngduō. Use little to win over many),大败(bài. Defeat)入侵(rùqīn. Invading)的秦国。

During the Warring States era of China, there was a famous general in State Zhao, named Zhao She. He defeated a much stronger state, Qin, in multiple battles.

他有一个儿子叫做赵括,他从小熟读兵法,谈起兵事来父亲也难不倒(nánbùdǎo. Not too difficult for me to fall down)他。

[Chinese Learning] What is 悲催?

bēi cuī

This is usually used to describe something that is so sad that it makes you cry. (不称意、不顺心、失败,伤心和悔恨等意思)

This Internet slang term is often used to describe something that’s shocking, sad and hard to accept.

For example:
(its too tragic, I feel like crying)

(recently, I have been feeling pretty down)

(Tragic! Tragic, I need to retake my exam!)


有关个人经济状况(jīngjìzhuàngkuàng. Economic/finance situation)的网络词汇经常会被炒(chǎo. Fry, made popular)得火热。

Internet lingo related to personal finance is always a hit.

比如说曾经在2013年前后风靡一时(fēngmíyīshí. Be in fashion or popular for a time)“月光族”,形容工资月月被花光的一类人。

There is “monthly-finishers” around 2013, which describes a type that spends all the salary each month.

再比如说2017年流传的“贫穷(pínqióng. Poverty)限制了我的想象力”。每当网络上出现一些“炫富(xuànfù. Flaunt one’s wealth)”的图片或故事,网民们便会这样调侃自己的经济实力(jīngjìshílì. Economic capability)。


2018年的二十国峰会(简称G20)已经缓缓拉开了帷幕(wéimù. Curtain)。今年的峰会在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯举办。
The curtain has raised as 2018 G20 summit commences. This year’s summit is held in Buenos Aires, Argentine.

自从2016年,阿根廷现任总统马克里上台之后,他大刀阔斧(dàdāokuòfǔ. Big knife and broad axe, used to describe do something with determination)地展开了一系列外交行动,为这次峰会奠定(diàndìng. Establish, settle)了良好的经济和政治基础。
Since current Argentine president Macri takes office in 2016, he exercised a series of a diplomatic approach, which set a good economic and political foundation for the summit.

[Chinese learning] What is 傲嬌 ?

ào jiāo

Originated from the Japanese gaming and manga/anime sub-culture, “tsundere” [ツンデレ] describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm and even coy side over time. Now the term is also used to mean “sassy”.

A partner phrase with this that is also commonly found in the online sphere is 撒嬌 (sa jiao) which means to be sassy in a feminine way or a cute way. Usually done to guys by a girl in an affectionate way.


万年(wànnián)ten thousand years
好运(hǎoyùn)good luck
绝缘体(juéyuántǐ)insulated body

你有没有特别不幸运(xìngyùn. Lucky, fortunate)的一段时间?
Have you ever been through an unlucky time?

吃方便没有调料(tiáoliào. condiment)包,走在路上新鞋的鞋跟断了,一场大雨后被飞驰(fēichí. Rushing through, going at a high speed)而来的汽车刚好溅(jiàn. Splash)了一身水……
Eating instant noodle without condiment pack, heels broken while you are walking after 3 days of purchase, splashed wet by a racing car after a thunderstorm…

[Chinese Learning] What is 白富美?

bái fù měi

The literal translation is: “light-skinned, rich, and beautiful.”
This Internet slang term describes the stereotype of an ideal woman for dating or marriage.

Other popular phrases that goes hand in hand with this is: 高帅富 (gao shuai fu): "Tall, handsome, and rich" and 屌丝 (diaosi): which is the opposite of “tall, handsome, and rich”.

In the advent of the one-child policy, many parents have high standards for their only precious child's marriage partner which resulted in the popularity of these phrases as a way to show their standards.

[Chinese Learning] What is 耽美?

dan mei

This is a popoular internet phrase in the Chinese internet sphere. However, danmei is not originally a Chinese word. Instead, it came from Japan. It’s pronounced “tanbi” in Japanese and it was originally a Japanese translation of the European aestheticism style of Oscar Wilde and that type of writing.


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