

“老鹿蹒跚”是“小鹿乱撞”的一个衍生词(yǎnshēngcí. Derivative word)。


小(xiǎo)small, young


蹒跚(pánshān)stumble, walk in an unstable and slow motion

乱(luàn)random, disorder

撞(zhuàng)hit, bump in

官方(guānfāng. Official source)对这个词是这么解释的:指部分90后的叔叔阿姨看到喜欢的人后的心理活动。不同于少男少女(shàonánshàonǚ. Young boys and young girls)恋爱时的小鹿乱撞,这些叔叔阿姨们在经历一段又一段恋爱后对爱情的渴望并没有那么强烈,来了就来了,不来也罢。

[Chinese Learning] What is 补刀?

bǔ dāo

It is another popular gaming terminology! It is used to describe an attack on a dying person once more to make sure that he or she will definitely die.
This is similar to the English phrase: to “rub salt in the wound”.

This Internet slang term is later used to describe further mocking or rebuttal in communication.
An example would be:

ni de bu dao ji qiao zhen qiang

which translates to: "your rebuttal technique is really strong!"


同样(tóngyàng)same kind, same type

九年(jiǔnián)nine years


义务(yìwù)obligation, duty



如此(rúcǐ)like this way, in this way, so



Do you know how to compliment others? ‘Good’, ‘Splendid’, ‘Respect’ and more are not enough anymore. Many more trendy sentences are coined in our times.


[Chinese Learning] What is 暴走?

bào zǒu

Stemming from Japanese Manga, this Internet slang term means “to resort to violence and act like a beast when unable to control one’s emotion”. When used in the context of the Chinese Internet discussions, this Internet term can be interpreted simply as “to flip out.”

If we breakdown the term:
暴: means violence
走: means to walk away


“报复(bàofù. Revenge)性(xìng. The way of sth.)熬夜(áoyè. 熬means boil for a long time, 夜means night. 熬夜 means staying up late)”——很多人白天工作或学习太忙,没有自己的空闲时间,晚上就不想睡觉的熬夜方式。

‘Revenge stays up late’ ——It describes those who stay up late because of lack of free time due to busy daily life.

你们中有多少人是这样的?天不亮就起床准备工作/学习,直到灯火通明的夜晚才迟迟回家;在夜晚这个独自属于自己的时间,即使已经精疲力尽(jīngpílìjìn. Soul is tired and energy is used up),也要追剧追漫画,刷twitter刷朋友圈刷抖音,配点小吃打游戏,甚至只是单纯躺在床上,但就是不去睡觉,熬夜熬到两三点。

[Chinese Learning] What is 霸氣側漏?

bà qì cè lòu

This is a form of internet expression which signifies Swag that is so excessive that it is overflowing.

Interestingly: 来自流行的各种卫生巾广告词中的“不侧漏”。
This means that the second half of the phrase: 側漏, actually came from a sanitary pad advertisement that boast about not overflowing when you use it.

This expression is suppose to humorously describes a person’s excessive domineering presence or pompous display of expertise or fortune that makes people around him or her slightly uncomfortable.


人(rén)human, people

生(shēng)birth, give birth to

人生 life

硬(yìng)hard, tough

核(hé)pit, nuclear

硬核 hardcore


家(jiā)house, home

玩家 player

又有一个词火(huǒ. Fire, be viral)了!它就是“人生硬核玩家”。

Another word has gone viral! It is ‘Life hardcore player’.


Compared a formal viral ‘Buddhism player’, ‘Life hardcore player’ represents a completely different type of person.

[Chinese Learning] What is 背鍋 and 甩鍋 ?

bēi guō

If you directly translate it, it means:
背 = Carry
鍋 = Wok.

However, the meaning of the word is:
1) To be made the scapegoat. 2) To bear the blame for someone else’s mistake

shuǎi guō

If you directly translate it, it means:
甩 = Dump
鍋 = Wok.

However, the meaning of the word is:
1) To refuse to be wronged. 2) To shirk responsibility while one is actually responsible.

[Chinese Learning] What is 掰弯?

bāi wān

The meaning of the word is to 'bend someone'. The idea behind it is to describe when someone is so handsome/pretty or charming that people of the same sex would turn into a homosexual for them so it is actually a praise.

This word was popularised when Tom Cook, CEO of Apple, came out to announce that he was gay.
This was the Chinese sentence that got popular:


[Chinese Learning] What is 爆表?

bào biǎo

This phrase is used to describe something being so explosive that it is off the charts.
If we break down the phrase:
爆: means to explode
表: means timetable/chart/watch etc

An example would be:
今日空气最差十城河北4席 石家庄邢台连续爆表
Jīnrì kōngqì zuì chà shí chéng héběi 4 xí shíjiāzhuāng xíngtái liánxù bào biǎo

This translates to: Today's air pollution index is the worst in amongst the 10 cities in ShiJiaZhuang, XingTai continues to explode off the charts.


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