
有关个人经济状况(jīngjìzhuàngkuàng. Economic/finance situation)的网络词汇经常会被炒(chǎo. Fry, made popular)得火热。

Internet lingo related to personal finance is always a hit.

比如说曾经在2013年前后风靡一时(fēngmíyīshí. Be in fashion or popular for a time)“月光族”,形容工资月月被花光的一类人。

There is “monthly-finishers” around 2013, which describes a type that spends all the salary each month.

再比如说2017年流传的“贫穷(pínqióng. Poverty)限制了我的想象力”。每当网络上出现一些“炫富(xuànfù. Flaunt one’s wealth)”的图片或故事,网民们便会这样调侃自己的经济实力(jīngjìshílì. Economic capability)。

And there is “poverty limits my imagination”. Every time when there are pictures or stories on the internet flaunting one’s wealth, there will be people saying this phrase as a mock to their own economic resources.


Now we come to 2018 when “hidden poverty population” goes viral!

所谓“隐形贫困人口”,就是假如说一个人月收入5千新币,但是却毫无理财(lǐcái. Plan one’s wealth)概念;住着租金2000多的海景房,用着Sisley的护肤品,开着兰博基尼,穿着香奈儿,顿顿下馆子吃美食。虽然过着看似富裕的生活,却月月刷爆(shuābào. Literally means swipe till explode; max out (credit card))借记卡(jièjìkǎ. Credit card),存款(cúnkuǎn. Savings)几乎为零,甚至还额外贷了款(dàilekuǎn. dàikuǎn means take a loan)。

The so-called “hidden poverty population”, earns 5 thousand SGD a month but have zero knowledge on how to plan one’s finance. They rent a sea-viewed apartment at $2000, use  Sisley product, drive Lamborghini, wear Channel and eat in restaurants for every meal. Although they seem to live a wealthy life, while in fact, they maxed out their credit card every month with zero savings, even might take out a loan or two.

不得不说,这种现象与人们消费观念(xiāofèiguānniàn. Spending views)的改变以及信息化时代(xìnxīhuàshídài. Information era)密切相关。

We have to admit that this phenomenon is closely related to the change in people’s spending view and this information era.

很多现代人有着“及时行乐(jíshíxínglè. Live happily as soon as possible)”的生活观念:既然我挣(zhèng. Earn)了那么多的钱,为什么不花在我自己身上?

Many people living in this modern age believes in “YOLO”: I am making a ton a money, why not spend all on myself?

同时,信息化时代媒体的宣传,让人们了解到更多眼花缭乱(yǎnhuāliáoluàn. So many that make your eyes dazzle )的商品;信贷(xìndài. Trust and loan, credit)系统的大肆美化,以及花呗、校园贷等小额借记(xiǎoéjièjì. Small amount loan)的发展,使消费者(xiāofèizhě. Consumer)意识不到存款的重要性。

In the meantime, media publicity makes people know more variety of merchandise. The beautifying of the credit system and the development of small-amount loan such as ‘check later’ and ‘campus loan’, makes it hard for people to realize the importance of savings.

“钱到用时方恨少”,如果我们因为生老病死等缘故紧急需要现金,没有存款的我们,可以渡过难关(dùguònánguān. Pass through the difficulty)吗?

‘You only regret when you need to use money’. If we need emergent cash due to birth, old age, sickness or death, without savings, can we conquer those difficulties?


Therefore, we must spend wisely, plan responsibly, say no to ‘hidden poverty population’!