人(rén)human, people
生(shēng)birth, give birth to
人生 life
硬(yìng)hard, tough
核(hé)pit, nuclear
硬核 hardcore
家(jiā)house, home
玩家 player
又有一个词火(huǒ. Fire, be viral)了!它就是“人生硬核玩家”。
Another word has gone viral! It is ‘Life hardcore player’.
Compared a formal viral ‘Buddhism player’, ‘Life hardcore player’ represents a completely different type of person.
如果说佛系玩家的人生哲学(zhéxué. Philosophy)是不以物喜不以己悲(bùyǐwùxǐ bùyǐjǐbēi. Does not feel happy over things or feel happy over me, it refers to a state of emotional peacefulness)、一切随缘(suíyuán. Go with destiny)的话,人生硬核玩家则信奉(xìnfèng. Believe in)人挡杀人佛挡杀佛(réndǎngshārén fódǎngshāfó. Kill every human or god who is in the way)、勇往直前(yǒngwǎngzhíqián. Be brave and move straight forward)。
If Buddhism player’s philosophy does not get emotional and let everything be as it is, Life hardcore player believes get rid of everything or everyone on the way and just move straight forward.
所以说,人生硬核玩家是一个满满正能量(zhèngnéngliàng. Positive energy)的词汇。从网络释义来看,它特指那些“内心坚韧、热衷思考、用力生活,不佛系不服输的人”。
Therefore, Life hardcore player is a 100% positive vocabulary. According to the online definition, it refers to people who ‘has a tough soul, loves to think, lives life to the fullest, is not Buddha-player-ish and does not give in’.
不管你今年7岁、17岁还是70岁,只要你在一直努力地去做事去生活,你就能一步步地走到人生的巅峰(diānfēng. The peak of a mountain)。
No matter you are 7, 17 or 70, as long as you always try your best to do things and live your life, you will climb up to the peak of success.
希望在人生的这场游戏里,我们都能活成名副其实(míngfùqíshí. Be worthy of the name)的硬核玩家!
Hope in this game called life, we are all deserved to be called hardcore player!