“报复(bàofù. Revenge)性(xìng. The way of sth.)熬夜(áoyè. 熬means boil for a long time, 夜means night. 熬夜 means staying up late)”——很多人白天工作或学习太忙,没有自己的空闲时间,晚上就不想睡觉的熬夜方式。
‘Revenge stays up late’ ——It describes those who stay up late because of lack of free time due to busy daily life.
你们中有多少人是这样的?天不亮就起床准备工作/学习,直到灯火通明的夜晚才迟迟回家;在夜晚这个独自属于自己的时间,即使已经精疲力尽(jīngpílìjìn. Soul is tired and energy is used up),也要追剧追漫画,刷twitter刷朋友圈刷抖音,配点小吃打游戏,甚至只是单纯躺在床上,但就是不去睡觉,熬夜熬到两三点。
How many of you find the following description suits you? You wake up for work or study when the sky is still dark and does not return home until late in the night. In the evening, the only time that belongs solely to yourself, you will catch up on drama or manga, wander in the tweet\friend zone or doujin, play the video game while having some snacks, or just simply lie on the bed… anything to avoid sleeping and stay up until two or three o’clock.
我们知道熬夜不好。第二天也许又会长痘,也许会在工作中或是课堂上昏昏欲睡,也许时间长了会严重危害健康(wēihàijiànkāng. Jeopardize health)……道理都懂,但我们依旧熬得乐此不疲(lècǐbùpí. Be very excited about sth. and does not get tired of it)。
We know that staying up late is bad. We may get some more pimples tomorrow, may be very sleepy during work or lesson, and may have a worsened health condition over a long time. We understand the consequences but we are still willing to risk it.
很多人认为,这是一种自我补偿(bǔcháng. Compensate, make up)机制(jīzhì. Mechanism)。繁忙的工作或学习让我们没有办法尽情地享受生活,甚至把我们一天中属于自己的时间都几乎压缩(yāsuō. Squeeze, compress)为零。我们不能去随心所有地看电影、逛街,甚至连查信息都要等到吃饭的时候。
Many believe that this is a self-compensate mechanism. Busy job or school makes it impossible for some of us to enjoy life, they make cut down any me-time to zero. We cannot go to movies, go shopping or even check messages as we want.
其实,补偿自己有很多方法。我们可以在周末去和朋友吃一顿有一点点“败家(bàijiā. Defeat family, used to refers to spending a lot)”的晚饭,或者在回家之前去买那条早就喜欢上却一直舍不得买的裙子;我们可以在工作学习中允许自己发一会儿呆,或者干脆跑到厕所痛痛快快地刷十分钟手机。
Actually, there is more than one way to compensate ourselves. We can have dinner which is a little bit extravagant with friends during weekends, or buys a dress which we have our eye on from a long time, but were reluctant to spend on it. We may allow a while of dazing during work or study or just go the toilet and use the phone for 10 minutes as we want.
After we are back home, we should set alarms to remind us to brush our teeth, wash our face and go to bed in advance, saving us from the colorful world on the internet.
希望每个人都可以积极调整(tiáozhěng. Adjust)自己的作息时间,给自己一个更健康的身体!
Hope everyone can positively adjust their daily schedule and give yourself a healthier body!