
圣诞节是西方的传统节日(chuántǒngjiérì. Traditional Holiday),起源于基督教(jīdūjiào. Christianity. …教is religions )。每年的圣诞节(shèngdànjié. Christmas)都是12月25日,距离现在已经不到10天了。

Christmas, originated from Christianity, is a western traditional holiday. Every Christmas comes at 25th December, which is less than 10 days from now.

圣诞节是一个宗教(zōngjiào. Religion)节日。基督教徒信奉(xìnfèng. Believe in)耶稣,他们认为耶稣的生辰(shēngchén. 辰has the same meaning as 日. 生辰means birthday)是12月25日,而汉语中又把大众认可(rènkě. Recognize, agree to 的地位崇高(dìwèichónggāo. The social status ishigh)或道德高尚(dàodégāoshàng.Ethics/morality is )的人称为“圣人(shèngrén. Holy person)”。许多宗教的创始人(chuàngshǐrén. Founder)或神职人员(shénzhírényuán. Religious profession personnel; clergy )也通常被称为“圣人”。所以,Christmas在中文里被翻译(fānyì. translate)为“圣诞节”,在一些地方也称之为“耶诞节”。

Christmas is a religious holiday. Christians believe in Jesus and think that Jesus is born on25th Dec. In Mandarin, ‘shengren’ is used to refer to someone who is publicly respected as have high social status or high moral value. It is also used to refer to the founder and clergies of many religions. Therefore, Christmas is translated as ‘shengdanjie’ in Chinese, and ‘yedanjie’ (ye for Jesus) in some regions.

如果直接翻译,Christmas eve应该被叫做“圣诞前夕”或者是“圣诞前夜”,不过它更通俗(tōngsú. Popular, common)的名称其实是“平安夜”。在一些平安夜和圣诞节被认定为法定假日(fǎdìngjiàrì. Law-set holiday)的国家和地区,家人们会在平安夜欢聚一堂(huānjùyītáng. Happily gather in one room),一起吃丰盛(fēngshèng. Sumptuous, deluxe)的晚餐,进行送礼物、去教堂、唱诗等等不同的习俗。“平安夜”这个名称传达了希望家人以及其他所有在乎的人都能一生平安的愿望。

By direct translation, Christmas eve should be called ‘shengdanqianxi’ or‘shengdanqianye’, but its more common name is ‘ping’anye’. In the countries and regions where Christmas Eve and Christmas are recognized as a public holiday, families get together on Christmas eve to have a deluxe dinner and perform rituals such as exchange presents, go the church, caroling, and etc. The name ‘ping’an ye’passes the hope that families and loved ones to be safe all their life.