jenny's blog

[Chinese Learning] What is 矫情 & 娇气 and what is their difference?

矫情 (jiao qing) is used to describe someone who intentionally does stuff to obtain the pity or empathy from another individual.

娇气 (jiao qi) is used to describe someone who is fragile (in a derogatory manner); someone who is unable to tolerate any suffering or pain. This is also commonly used to refer to people who has the 'princess' attitude whereby everything is their life has been done for them and thus are unable or unwilling to fend for themselves.

[Chinese Learning] Explaining 聪明

聪明 (cong ming) means smart or clever or wise.

So it can be used to compliment someone like:

"你好聪明!“ (ni hao cong ming)

[Chinese Learning]What is 被圈粉?

What does 被圈粉 (bei quan fen) mean?

圈粉 refers to someone using various methods to expand one's social network following such as on Youtube, Instagram or Weibo. Afterall, in this day and age, the more fans or followers that one has on their social media, the more influence or power they have. It is now recognised as a form of capital.

Therefore, 被圈粉 is then used when you like someone, and use all the ways and means to support that person -- similar to how a fan supports their idols.

[Chinese Learning] Creating your own happiness

Everyone wants to be able to create their own happiness.

If you like to express that in Mandarin Chinese, you can consider using the phrase:

wo chuan zao zi ji de xin fu

创造 refers to create
自己 refers to ownself
幸福 refers to happiness

Alternatively, there is also a phrase that you can use:

kuàilè zhī quán, cāo zhī zài jǐ.

This would translate to “One’s right to be happy lies in his/her own actions.

[Chinese Learning] What is 人生开挂?

When someone approaches you and says "你人生开挂!“, they are complimenting you!

So what does 人生开挂 (ren sheng kai gua) actually mean?

It is actually used to describe that a person's life is very smooth sailing, and doesn't have much problems in life. Even if problems arises, it can be easily solved and so, the person is able to live life without much pressure or effort. Usually used in a context of complimenting someone else and saying that they have reached the pinnacle of achievements.

[Teacher's Tips] To master the language

1. Master the alphabet

When learning a language, you are usually taught how to pronounce every word of the alphabet. But I know that most people miss the first day of the language course, thereby missing this part. My advice, make sure you can pronounce all the letters, correctly.

2. Listen to and watch a lot of content

[Teacher's Tips] "However" in Mandarin Chinese

Accurate Translation:
1. 但是 (dan shi)
English pronunciation: dunshr

2. 然而 (ran er)
English pronunciation: raner

3. 不过 (bu guo)
English pronunciation: bugur

If you mean “however many…” it would be 无论多少 (wu lun duo shao)

Example in a sentence:
ENGLISH: "However hard it may be, we must do our best."
MANDARIN: "不管多难, 我们都要尽我们最大的努力去做。"

[Chinese Learning] 6 as popular online Chinese term

6 is a popular online term. The digital simplification language that has become popular in the LOL game is the homophonic number of the spoken word "slip". The interpretation of slip is probably slippery, but in spoken language, it is the proficiency of expressing a thing. For example, your Chinese is very slippery, meaning that you speak Chinese very well. You play cards very slippery, meaning You play cards very well, you are very familiar with the card hero. Similarly, your study is very slippery, meaning that your academic performance is very good.

[Chinese Learning] 666 in Chinese

The latest slang meaning of 666 originated from online e-sport games and then caught on widely in the entire online sphere.

6 sounds the same in Chinese as 溜, which has multiple meanings. One of its meaning is as a verb -- to connotate escaping/fleeing/skating away. However, it can also be an adverb which means awesome, amazing, superb or highly skilled.
So in its origin amongst online e-sports, gamers used it to compliment other players by typing "666" as a quick way to represent "溜溜溜".

Some examples of 溜 in its proper usage:

[Chinese Learning] Animal Idioms

1. 一石二鸟
It directly translates to one bird two stones
Meaning: to finish or accomplish two jobs with a single effort.

2. 井底之蛙
Direct translation: vision of a frog at bottom of a well
Meaning: To describe someone having a tunnel vision, that the person is uncultured or does not have the foresight.

3. 黔驴之技
Direct Translation: To have the skill of a donkey
Meaning: To describe someone having a very limited skill


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