I and My Little Good Buddies are shocked


Today we are going to learn a micro blogging buzzwords in China " I and My Little Good Buddies are shocked.”

This sentence has very high frequency in Chinese primary school essay. (Example I and My Little Good Buddies are shocked balabala…)

So how hoe to say this in mandarin Chinese ? Chinese: “ 我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了”  wǒ(我) hé(和) wǒ(我) de(的) xiǎo(小) huǒ  bàn(伙伴) men(们) dōu(都) jīng(惊) dāi (呆)le(了)。

“wǒ” -> “I”

hé-> “and”

wǒ de -> “my”

xiǎo huǒ  bàn -> “Little Good Buddies”

men->”s”  means not only one buddy, Chinese use  “men” for plural.

Jīng dāi le ->“ be shocked”

You know how to say it now?  well, you learn so fast  “wǒ hé wǒ de xiǎo huǒ bàn men dōu jīng dāi lie”.