One language represents one type of culture. The Mandarin Chinese language is akin to an elegant and graceful woman, where every wordplay is a symphony of different stories and legends! The Chinese history spanning across 5000 years of culture has allowed Mandarin Chinese to evolve into one of the most complicated and complex languages.
When a Chinese person speaks, they are very mindful of their words: A different setting or occasion would warrant a different way of speaking. From that, you can imagine the richness of the Chinese language!
When a Chinese person speaks, they can be very implicit in their mannerism: This is because words that are too direct can be a turn-off and come across as thoughtless! This is all because of the evolution of the history of Mandarin Chinese imbued in the way the Chinese communicate... so let us help you understand this complex but beautiful language.
一种语言代表着一种文化,中文好像一位优雅婉约的女人,每个字词的演变都有一段美丽的传说!中国历史悠久上下五千年的文化让中文成为一种较为复杂的语言. 中国人说话很讲究:不同的场合不同的阶级层次说不同的话可见其语言的丰富多彩!中国人说话很含蓄不直接:因为很多时候太直接的沟通是无效的甚至于会让对方反感!这些都是历史的演变......且听我们为您娓娓道来