【英国留学】时隔七年英国重启政策 国际学生毕业可留英工作两年 After seven years of UK reopening policy, international students can work the UK for two years after graduation.

英国内政部(Home Office)宣布,将重新开放国际学生毕业后可以留在英国两年找工作的签证(PSW)。两大党及教育界都表示欢迎。
The Home Office announced that it will reopen the Visa (PSW) that international students can stay in the UK for two years after graduation. Both major parties and the education sector have welcomed it.
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)说,这一改变将使学生“释放他们的潜力”,并在英国开始职业生涯。这一签证将适用于2020年开始来英国攻读本科或本科以上学位的国际学生 ,他们必须在有详实移民检查记录的机构学习。
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the change would allow students to “free their potential” and start a career in the UK. This visa will apply to international students who have come to the UK to pursue an undergraduate or bachelor degree in 2020. They must study at an institution with a detailed immigration record.