美国一名共和党议员,Steve King于星期三与得梅因纪实报的采访中说,“如果我们把每个家族树中每一个强奸或者乱伦的产物除去,世界上还会有任何人口吗?”
US Republic congressman, Steve King said that if we pull out anyone in the family tree who was a product of rape or incest, ‘would there be any population of the world left if we did that?’ during a conversation with the Des Moines Register.
他的这番言论很快受到民主党人Kirsten Gillibrand和Bernie Sanders的抨击。他们称Steve是一个“耻辱”,应该辞职下台。
His statement was soon criticized by Democrats Kirsten Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders. They said Mr. King was a ‘disgrace’ and that he should ‘resign’.
共和党内议员Randy Feenstra也表达了不满。他称虽然他百分之百支持“生命”,但是上述极度不恰当的言论会伤害“反堕胎”的立场。
Even Republican Congressman Randy Feenstra should his discontentment. He said that although he was 100% pro-life, the inappropriate remark by Mr. King would ‘diminish our message’.