华为起诉美国政府 中国外交部:完全正当 Huawei sues the US government, the Chinese Foreign Ministry: completely justified

1. 华为公司7日宣布,已向美国联邦法院提起诉讼,指控美国2019年国防授权法第889条款违反美国宪法
Huawei announced on the 7th that it has filed a lawsuit in the US federal court, alleging that the United States 2019 National Defense Authorization Act Section 889 violates the US Constitution.
2. 中国外交部发言人陆慷在今天(7日)的例行记者会上指出,企业通过合法方式,维护自身的权益完全正当,可以理解。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Lu Hao pointed out at a regular press conference today (7th) that it is perfectly understandable for enterprises to maintain their rights and interests through legal means.
3. 外交部:美情报机构杜撰炒作中国黑客故事
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: US intelligence agencies to create hype for Chinese hacking stories
4. 埃森哲安全公司的网络安全情报部门即将于本周发布研究报告称,中国黑客已锁定至少27所美国、加拿大和东南亚国家大学,以窃取军用海事技术。
Accenture Security’s cybersecurity intelligence unit is about to release a research report this week that Chinese hackers have locked in at least 27 universities in the US, Canada and Southeast Asia to steal military maritime technology.