全球营商环境改革数量创出新纪录 世行大幅提升中国营商环境排名 The number of global business environment reforms has set a new record. The World Bank has significantly improved the ranking of China's business environment.

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1. 世界银行发布的《2019年营商环境报告:为改革而培训》称,世界各地政府在消除国内私营部门面临的官僚障碍方面创出新纪录,在过去一年里实施营商环境改革314项。
The World Bank's Business and Environment Report 2019: Training for Reform says that governments around the world have set new records in eliminating bureaucratic barriers facing the domestic private sector and have implemented 314 business environment reforms in the past year.
2. 中国今年排名大幅上升30多位,从去年的第78位上升到第46位,进入世界排名前50的经济体之列。
China's ranking has risen sharply by more than 30 this year, rising from the 78th place last year to the 46th place, ranking among the top 50 economies in the world.
3. 在世界银行最新营商环境排名中,排名前十的经济体为:新西兰、新加坡、丹麦、中国香港特别行政区、韩国、格鲁吉亚、挪威、美国、英国和马其顿。
In the World Bank's latest business environment rankings, the top ten economies are: New Zealand, Singapore, Denmark, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, South Korea, Georgia, Norway, the United States, the United Kingdom and Macedonia.
4. 营商环境:2001年世界银行提出加快发展各国私营部门新战略,急需一套衡量和评估各国私营部门发展环境的指标体系,即企业营商环境指标体系。为更好实施促进各国私营部门发展的战略,世界银行成立Doing Business小组,负责企业营商环境指标体系创建
Business environment: In 2001, the World Bank proposed to accelerate the development of new private sector strategies in various countries. There is an urgent need for a set of indicator systems for measuring and assessing the development environment of private sector countries, namely the enterprise business environment indicator system. In order to better implement the strategy of promoting the development of private sector in various countries, the World Bank established the Doing Business team to be responsible for the establishment of the enterprise business environment indicator system.