What is 排遣式进食?

排(pái)eject, exclude
遣(qiǎn)release, express
派遣——消除寂寞和烦恼 divert oneself from loneliness or boredom
进食——吃饭 eat food

有这么一类人,不能忍受嘴闲着(xiánzhe, not doing anything, relaxed)的感觉。有时候,即使不饿,也想要吃一些东西,这就是“排遣式进食”。
There is a type of person who cannot stand the feeling of keeping his/her mouth empty. Sometimes, even not hungry, he/she still want to eat something, hence ‘eating out of boredom’.

在现代生活,很多人因为工作的原因,生活作息(zuòxī, wake up and go to bed)紊乱(wěnluàn, messed up)。因为没有固定的(gùdìngde, fixed)进食时间,就更容易在无聊(wúliáo, bored)的时候排遣式进食。
In modern times, due to work schedule, a lot of people have a messed up biology clock. When you do not have a regular eating time, it is even easier to eat out of boredom.