March 4,2019 kirinmandarinbusiness learn Chinese in Singapore Call+6583593876/66110940
1. 为期两天的美朝第二次首脑峰会出现让人感到意外的结局。The two-day summit of the US and North Korea’s second summit showed an unexpected ending.
首脑(shǒu nǎo):summit
峰会(fēng huì):meet
结局(jié jú):ending
2. 外界原本期望,去年美国总统特朗普和朝鲜领导人金正恩在新加坡峰会期间联合声明的画面会重现,甚至双方会宣布正式终止战争状态。The outside world had expected that the picture of US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s signing of the joint statement during the Singapore summit last year will reappear. Even the two sides will announce the official termination of the state of war,
签署(qiān shǔ):sign
联合(lián hé)声明:joint statement
3. 但河内峰会却以双方提早离开、未签署任何协议而告终。However, the Hanoi Summit ended with the early departure of both parties and the signing of no agreement.