中国有句老话说:“一方水土养一方人(yīfāngshuǐtǔ yǎngyīfāngrén, water and soil from a place, raise a type of person of said place)”。从不同地方长大的人,会有不同的地域(dìyù, region)特征(tèzhēng, special characteristics)。
There is an old saying in China, ‘Different places can give different characteristics to its residents’. People who grow up in different places will have different regional characteristics.
比如说,四川人喜欢吃辣(chīlà, eat spicy food),北京人去过天安门看国旗,黄冈人擅长(shàncháng, be very good at)数学,内蒙古人从小就骑马 …… 类似(lèisì, similar)的例子(lìzi, example)比比皆是(bǐbǐjiéshì, sth. can be found everywhere)。
For example, people from Sichuan like spicy food, those from Beijing has been to Tian’anmen and see the national flag, those from Huanggang are good at maths, those from Inner Mongolia learnt to ride horses from a young age … so on and so on.
即使到国际社会,人们也会对不同国家和地区的人有一些特殊(tèshū, special)的认知:美国人极有可能去过迪士尼乐园,德国人酒量(jiǔliàng, amount of liquor that someone can drink without getting drunk)好,等等等等。
Entering the international society, people will have different viewpoints on others from different countries and regions. Americans most likely have been to Disneyland, Germans can hold their liquor, and etc.
虽说这样的想法有一点标签化(biāoqiānhuà, the way of tagging a category, profiling)的嫌疑(xiányí, suspicion),但是只要把握(bǎwò, hold)好尺度(chǐdù, degree),未免不是了解一个地区文化的好方法。
Although this kind of thoughts maybe can be viewed as profiling, if you are able to not go overboard, it can also be a good way of understanding cultural from different places.
Then, what exactly is a dragged oil bottle?
在旧时候,它是一种对人再嫁(zàijià, remarry to a guy)或再娶(zàiqǔ, remarry to a woman)时,带着的前一个婚姻的孩子的蔑称(mièchēng, derogatory reference)。
In the old times, it is an insulting way of referring to a child brought into a new marriage.
而“地域拖油瓶”这个短语,是用来调侃(tiáokǎn, tease, mock)在某一个地区长大却不带有对应的地域特征的人,像不能吃辣的四川人,没看过天安门的北京人,数学不及格的黄冈人…...以此类推(yǐcǐlèituī, so on and so on)。
However, ‘Regional dragged oil bottle’, can be used to tease someone who does not present corresponding characteristics of a region, like people who are from Sichuan but cannot eat spicy food, those from Beijing yet never visited Tian’anmen, those from Huanggang but failed maths… you can go on for a while.
我是一个极度怕冷的中国北方人,下雪天就是我的噩梦(èmèng, nightmare)!所以我应该就是地域拖油瓶吧?!
I am from northern China yet I am extremely afraid of the cold. Snowy days are my NIGHTMARE!!! So I suppose I am a regional dragged oil bottle?
What about you?