1. 一些港民自发走上街头清理路障,与黑衣示威者发生少许冲突,但无人受伤。
Some Hong Kong citizens took the initiative to clear roadblocks. There were some minor confrontations with the protestors but luckily no one was hurt.
2. 有约80名解放军驻港军人下午帮忙清理路障。
About 80 soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army helped citizens with the roadblocks.
3. 17日晚,示威者在一座香港理工大学附近的人行天桥放火并引起小规模爆炸。随后大火被消防部门扑灭。在与警方冲突的过程中,一名警员被箭射中腿部。
On the evening of the 17th, protestors set fire at a footbridge near the campus of Hong Kong Polytechnic University which leads to minor explosions. The fire was put off by the fire departments later. During confrontations with the police, a police officer was shot in his leg by an arrow.