【逃犯条例】港特首林郑月娥召开记者会,但游行示威可能不会停止 Press conference by Chief Executive of Hong Kong, while protests might still carry on

Today (5th Sep) 11:15 am, Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Ms. Carrie Lam delivered some announcement in a press conference.

In the press conference, Ms. Lam reiterated the decision to scrap the extradition bill, among three more actions will be taken by the government. The main purpose of the decisions is to build an effective channel for communication with civilians and solve the confrontations and protests which have been carried on for almost three months.

In the meantime, the leading activist, secretary-general of Demosisto, Joshua Wong, said in an interview in Taipei, that unless all five demands of the protests are met, the protests will still go on.