【登革热】南美国家巴拉圭正在经历登革热危机 Paraguay is undergoing a crisis of Dengue

Recently, the spread of Coronavirus has caught the eyes of people all around the world, while in South America country, Paraguay, another virus is also raising more and more concerns.

Dengue fever, the disease which is spread through Aedes mosquitoes’ bite, has been spreading rapidly in Paraguay. Over the first six weeks of 2020, there are a total of 4255 confirmed cases, 85000 suspected cases, 16 deaths and 90 deaths suspected to be linked to Dengue fever waiting for medical examination.

In end January, even the President of Paraguay, 48-year-old Mario Abdo Benitez, was confirmed to have caught Dengue fever. He has recovered now and returned to his position, but avoiding overwork under doctor’s instructions.