10月30日,同时也是印度族的排灯节,在新加坡八号河滨公寓,因为自己的访客按规定被要求10元的“停车费”,JP Morgan的高管Ramesh与公寓的保安大叔发生一系列的口角。过程被旁观者录下上传到了网上。双方在事件刚发生后都报了案。
On Deepavali (30th Oct), a senior official at JP Morgan, Mr. Ramesh was found angry and shouting at the security guard uncle at Eight Riversuites Condo for being charged $10 of parking fee for his visitors’ car. The process was filmed and uploaded online by bystanders. Both Mr. Ramesh and Uncle Steven Heng filed police reports after the incident.
According to the newest info from the Association of Certified Security Agencies, Mr. Ramesh and Uncle Steven have met in private and reconciled.
However, Mr. Ramesh’s personal phone number was leaked from the video. Not only has he been harassed in the last few days, but an online petition has also been started by netizens to deport him. The worry is that he might become a victim of online bullying.
Hopefully, after the two people actually involved buried the hatchet, the netizens will also move on.