周三7月3日,美国波音公司声明将会在未来几年拨款1亿美元,用于安抚资助两起波音737 Max空难中逝者的家属。
In a statement made by Boeing company on 3rd Jul, Wednesday, the company will issue $100 million in the next few years with the intention to support and comfort the families of the victims in two Boeing 737 Max crashes.
上述两起空难指2018年10月29日印度尼西亚狮航以及 2019年3月埃塞俄比亚航空的两架波音737 Max飞机在起飞阶段坠毁。两起事件分别造成189和157名乘客以及机组人员的逝世。
The above said two crashes refer to the accidents of Indonesian Lion Air on 29th Oct, 2018 and Ethiopian Airline on 10th Mar, 2019. The two incidents resulted in the deaths of 189 and 157 passengers and cabin crews.
Chief Executive Officer of Boeing, Dennis Muilengurg said in the statement that ‘they hope this initial outreach can help bring them comfort.’ It was also stated that this donation is relevant to any pending lawsuits brought by the families of the victims.