As a delicate girl, the thing I want to do the most every day is to find myself 30 minutes and do a nice facial treatment.
Last Saturday, during a video chat with my mom, she said, ‘Look at your face! Go put on a mask RIGHT NOW!’
Then…there is no then. My last mask was more than a week ago.
Do you get it? This is ‘passive decadence’?
The official translation online is: once we are being rushed, we are both physically and psychologically reluctant to do things which we were originally very eager and willing to do.
Why is that?
Maybe we are all a bit stubborn. We do not like other people to think that we cannot handle our own life or to butt in our own lives.
So how do we avoid being ‘passive decadence’?
No good ways come to mind! We can only try to get ahead of time and get things done before being rushed!
1. 被动颓废(bèidòng tuífèi)n. passive decadence. 被动 – passive / 颓废 – a state of not wanting to do anything.
2. 精致的猪猪女孩(jīngzhìde zhūzhū nǚhái)n. a delicate girl. This phrase is a recent internet lingo describing the type of modern girl who takes care of themselves and put on nice clothes and makeup.
3. 敷面膜(fū miànmó)v. put on a face mask
4. 催促(cuīcù)v. to hurry sb., to rush sb.
5. 指手画脚(zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo)v. [idiom] to give opinions about other people’s life
6. 与时间赛跑(yǔ shíjiān sàipǎo)v. to race with time, to get ahead of time. 时间 – time / 赛跑 – to race