【时事热点】英国脱欧(更新)——延期有消息了 Brexit (update) – news on the extension

Although for only two weeks, the extension application of Brexit has been approved by the EU.

However, there will be many alternatives after the extension.

If Britain Parliament can pass the Brexit deal proposed by Mrs. Theresa May, the date of Brexit will be postponed to 22nd May.

But if the deal cannot be passed, then Britain must submit a new plan to the EU by 12th April.

欧盟主席Donald Tusk表示,英国脱欧有4种走向,有协议、无协议、长期延期和取消脱欧。
European Council President Donal Tusk said that Brexit can lead to a deal, no deal, a long extension and canceling Brexit, 4 different choices.

At this moment, Britain has made it clear that the possibility of canceling Brexit is very thin. If the new plan cannot be submitted by 12th April, a long extension will also be difficult.

Time is a crucial factor here.