【时事热点】英国公民的新版护照 #英国脱欧 The new UK passport #Brexit

我们都知道,英国脱欧的这件事已经一拖再拖(yītuōzàituō. v. to procrastinate, to postpone sth. over and over)很久了。自从英国群众投票通过脱欧以来已经1000多天了,直到现在还没有尘埃落定(chénāi luòdìng. v. to describe a state where everything is settled)。一会儿说会有协议,一会儿说没有协议;一会儿说下个月就可以脱欧,一会儿又要延期。你知道吗?埃菲尔铁塔的建造都没花这么长时间(不到800天)!

As we all know, the Brexit has been dragged long enough. 1000 days have passed since the vote which passed Brexit and nothing is really fixed yet: there is a deal or no deal, exit next month or further postponing… Do you know? The construction of the Eiffel took up less time (less than 800 days)!

不过,一件事情的发生让我们感觉到脱欧的齿轮(chǐlún. n. gear)已经在运转(yùnzhuǎn. v. to operate)了——新版的英国护照已经正式发行(fāxíng. v. to release, to publish)了!

However, a recent thing made us feel that the clock on Brexit is really ticking —— the new version of the passport is officially released!

英国原定在3月29日脱欧,所以3月30日已经开始签发新版的护照——新版的封面(fēngmiàn. n. cover)上没有“欧盟”一词。

Britain was originally scheduled to leave EU on 29th Mar, hence new passport was released since 30th Mar. The new version does not have ‘EUROPIAN UNION’ on its cover.


However, since the old version is not yet used up, they will still be given to the public until finished.


Even though two people may apply for a passport at the same time same day, it is totally possible that they get the old and new versions of the passports separately. A funny event of passport renewal from a British couple totally supported this!