【时事热点】政治素人C位出道——斯洛伐克选出首位女总统 No experience candidate won election —— Slovakia elects its first ever female President


Slovakia Presidential Election result was just released on 31st Mar. Zuzana Caputova won the election beautifully with 58% of the vote and became the first female President in Slovakia history.

不过出人意料的是,这位现年45岁的女总统在赢得总统选举之前的政治经验几乎为零。她是一名环境领域的律师, 并在去年参加了一场受人瞩目的千人游行。

What is surprising is that this 45-year-old President has almost no political experience before winning the Presidential election. She was a lawyer in the environmental area. She also participated in a high-profile protest demonstration last year.


Her campaign slogan in this election is: ‘Stand up against evil, together we can do it’. She advocates follow closely on fair justice, environmental protection, social reform and cracking down corruption problem.


Although she lacks experience in politics, her anti-corruption campaign is very well received by Slovakians who are hoping for a less corrupted government, hence the high support.


This President will have so many expectations and so many challenges during her presidency. Who knows? Maybe someone who wes not in the political system will be able to improve the corrupted situation, and another successful women figure will be a positive motivation for females around the world!