The massive fire at the Notre-Dame cathedral was put out after more than 10 hours. Two-thirds of the roof was destroyed in flames, including the medieval wooden structure, the iconic spire together with the rooster-shaped wind vane and three relics of the Saints on top.
Silver lining, some managed to survive from the fire
1. 古老的玫瑰花窗——它们的历史可追溯至13世纪,位于巴黎圣母院的西、南、北方向。
The rose windows——There are three rose windows located at the west south and north of Notre Dame Cathedral which can be dated back to the 13th Century.
2. 三部管风琴——教堂发言人安德烈·菲诺称,管风琴只受到了高压水枪冲击的轻微损伤,并无实质性破坏。
The three organs——According to Andrei Finnot, spokesperson for Notre Dame, the three organs are only lightly brazed under the impact of high-pressure water guns, no real damage has been made.
3. 主大门入口
The main entrance
4. 两座塔楼以及主体结构——当地时间15日晚23时,经过巴黎消防部门的不懈扑救,它们得以“保全”。
The two towers and main structure——After a consistent effort by the Paris fire department, the two towers are saved at around local time 23:00 on 15th Apr.
5. 16尊铜像——尖顶上的16尊铜像因修复工作在大火前被移走而幸免于难。
16 bronze statues——They survived due to restoration work prior to the fire and they were removed from the premise.
6. 祭坛与十字架
The altar and the cross
7. 部分重量型文物——据法国内政部公布的统计数据显示,至少30%的艺术品得到了抢救性保护。
Some valuable relics——According to statistics published at the Ministre de l’Interieur, at 30% or the arts and relics are rescued from the fire so far.
Currently, rescue is still ongoing. Archaeologists are evaluation the building stability of Notre Dame, while part of the collections are moved to the Louvre for restoration and protection.