早在5月底解封(jie3feng1 – lift the lockdown)开始前,新加坡政府向公众公布了解封的一系列细节,其中包括解封的三个阶段(san1ge4 jie1duan4 - three phases)以及开始的大概时间。
今天(6月15日),领导跨部门抗疫工作小组(kua4bu4men2 kang4yi4 xiao3zu3 – Multi-Ministry Taskforce)的黄循财(Lawrence Wong)部长称:“经过我们对疫情的仔细审核,我们认为它在这个时期(第一阶段)得到了很好的控制,所以我们可以在本周五,也就是6月18日23时59分后开始第二阶段。”
“We have looked at the situation carefully, the infection is under control throughout this period and therefore we are now be able to enter Phase two from this Friday onwards, which is basically after June 18 at 23:59.”
- Retail businesses, who may re-open their physical outlets 零售行业可以重开实体店
- Dine-in at food and beverage outlets (although live music, television and video screenings are not allowed at this stage) 在饮食店内用餐(现场音乐会、电视和视频放映仍不可以在本阶段进行)
- Personal health and wellness activities 个人医疗保健
- Home-based services 家庭活动
- Tuition and other private enrichment classes (although singing or voice training classes will not resume) 补习以及私人兴趣班 (但是歌唱和发音训练课程不会恢复)
- Sports, parks and other public facilities. These include playgrounds, beaches, swimming complexes, sport halls, gyms and fitness studios, function rooms, and similar facilities in private condominiums and clubs 运动场所、公园和其他公共场合,包括游乐场、海滩、游泳场馆、体育馆、健身房、多功能房以及在私人公寓和俱乐部内的类似设施
- Registered clubs and societies, at their registered premises 注册俱乐部和社团,不过仅在注册产业范围内
- All healthcare services, including face-to-face visits at residential facilities for the elderly, although safe distancing and precautionary measures will be put in place 全部保健服务,包括在住宿机构为老人提供面对面服务,不过必须要遵守安全距离以及预防措施
- Larger public venues, with high human traffic, such as malls and large standalone retail outlets must restrict capacity and prevent crowds or long queues from building up.大型公共场所,但如果像包括商场和大型零售店面这样人流量比较高,必须限制顾客人数并防止出现人群聚集或排长队
新加坡近日的单日新增病例数量并没有清零,而大头仍落在外来客工群体上。今日新增病例数共214例,其中3例为社区内传播,211来自宿舍内的客工。(214 new cases, 3 cases in community and 211 cases residing in dormitories)
就想很多政要人员和科学研究者所说的,”the virus may never go away”, 新冠病毒可能永远不会被消除,我们必须要适应在这种情况下,如何继续我们的正常生活并避免病毒的传播。