《一些卖家预计,当多数地方不再需要口罩时,口罩的需求会下降》 Some seller expects the needs of masks will decrease when most places do not need to wear masks


Masks are optional at most indoor setting from 29th August 2022 in Singapore.


Mask will not be needed in the following places, which are private taxis and buses that includes school buses, flights and ferries to and from destinations that don’t need mask-wearing onboard, retail areas in MRT and LRT stations, naturally ventilated bus interchanges and retail pharmacies within a mall.


Whereas, masks will still be needed at public buses, MRT and LRT services, flights, ferries to and from places that require mask-wearing onboard, healthcare facilities, ambulances, TCM, specialist, GP, dental clinics and residential care homes.


Most mask-sellers states that the sales on masks have not been falling since the announcement but foresee the dip in sales after 29th August.